🆕BRAND-NEW! The Neurodiversity Symposium 🆕

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The Neurodiversity Symposium

With three full days dedicated to closely examining specific topics and experiences relating to neurodivergence, autism, and ADHD, these two-hour sessions are designed to give you the space to learn with other deeply curious thinkers.

Presented by: B Lourenco, MA, LMHC (she/her)


  • Day One: Thursday, March 14th | 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM Pacific Time (Three 2-hour sessions per day)
  • Day Two: Friday, March 15th | 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM Pacific Time (Three 2-hour sessions per day)
  • Day Three: Saturday, March 16th | 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM Pacific Time (Three 2-hour sessions per day)

Feel free to pick and choose sessions a la carte that appeal to you or register for all three days for access to all nine sessions.

We designed this Symposium to be flexible and accessible for all, so choose what’s best for your learning needs, interests, and schedule. Whatever works best for you!

CLICK HERE FOR FULL SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION OPTIONS (opens our RegFox registration page for this symposium)

Where: Live on Zoom. You will receive your Zoom link/invitation the week of the symposium.

So, you’ve been spending time learning about Neurodiversity and Neurodivergent-Affirming care. You’ve explored what Autism and ADHD look like through the lens of the ND-Affirming Paradigm; staying up late to deep dive on the internet to learn more about specific topics that keep coming up in your work. You’ve taken courses, read books, and joined groups and listservs, but you still have questions about certain topics related to neurodivergence and neurodivergent-affirming care.

This three-day symposium filled with specialized two-hour sessions has been crafted with you in mind. With three full days dedicated to closely examining specific topics and experiences relating to neurodivergence, autism, and ADHD, these two-hour sessions are designed to give you the space to learn with other deeply curious thinkers.

Each day has three individual sessions tailored to that day’s topic.

  • Day One’s topic is Neurodiversity and Relationships
  • Day Two’s topic is Neurodiversity and Oppression
  • Day Three’s topic is Neurodiversity and Co-Occurrences

Feel free to pick and choose sessions a la carte that appeal to you or register for all three days for access to all nine sessions. We designed this Symposium to be flexible and accessible for all, so choose what’s best for your learning needs, interests, and schedule. Whatever works best for you!

This symposium and the sessions are meant for folks with a strong foundational understanding of the neurodiversity movement and paradigm and may not be suitable for intro-level learners. Intro-level learners are encouraged to register for the “Being Neurodivergent in a Neurotypical World” foundational workshop (more information here).

All sessions will be held live via Zoom on Pacific Time.

CLICK HERE FOR FULL SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION OPTIONS (opens our RegFox registration page for this symposium)


DAY ONE: Neurodiversity and Relationships

Being Neurodivergent doesn’t happen in a vacuum; in fact, one of the ways that ND differences show up most strikingly is in a relational setting. Sessions scheduled for the “Neurodiversity and Relationships” day of the Symposium offer ways to dive deeper into topics around sex and intimacy, the impact of neurodivergent grief on relationships, and the lived experience of PDA and how it impacts connections with loved ones.

  • Session One: ADHD and Autism – and the Relationship to Sex
  • Session Two: What is PDA and How is it Impacting My Life?
  • Session Three: How Unmasking Exposes Grief

DAY TWO: Neurodiversity and Oppression

Being Neurodivergent in a neurotypical world is fraught with opportunities to experience and be a victim of oppression. The sessions for “Neurodiversity and Oppression” explore some of the mechanisms at play in the experience of ND oppression, including the Social Model of Disability and the role of burnout in ND lives. There will also be an opportunity to hear from folks who live at the intersection of Neurodivergence and other marginalized identities.

  • Session One: Social Model of Disability
  • Session Two: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Other Identities
  • Session Three: Is ND Burnout Inevitable?

DAY THREE: Neurodiversity and Co-Occurrences

For many Neurodivergent people, their experience of differences does not end with their nervous system. In fact, ADHD and Autism come with a host of co-occurring issues and illnesses that further impact their need for support. The sessions for “Neurodiversity and Co-occurrences” cover topics including the most common co-occurring issues, differential diagnoses or identities, hormones, and the impact on ND experiences throughout the lifetime.

  • Session One: Differentials and Co-Occurrences in Autism and ADHD
  • Session Two: The Role of Addiction in ADHD and Autism
  • Session Three: Neurodivergence over the Lifetime

CLICK HERE FOR FULL SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION OPTIONS (opens our RegFox registration page for this symposium)

***Payment Options:

Cascadia Training values quality continuing education that is accessible, inclusive, and without barriers to all. We never want the cost of our workshops to be a barrier to attending one of our workshops, particularly our multi-session workshops.

We offer several options to make our workshops cost-inclusive: payment plans, a limited number of full and partial scholarships, discounts for students, and discounts for early professionals.

For payment plans, you can select paying 50% today and 50% due by March 5, 2024.

Please email us at [email protected] to inquire about discounts and scholarships.

CLICK HERE FOR FULL SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION OPTIONS (opens our RegFox registration page for this symposium)


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