Understanding Chronic Trauma: Narcissistic Injury – Verbal & Emotional Abuse

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Understanding Chronic Trauma: Narcissistic Injury – Verbal & Emotional Abuse

Presented by: Michael Lillie LMFT, MHP

When: Friday, August 1st, 2025 | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Pacific Time

Where: Live on Zoom. You will receive your Zoom link/invitation the week of the workshop.

Continuing Education Credit Hours: 3 CEs | $95.00

We have all heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Research backs up that verbally abusive language, name calling, emotional aggression, gaslighting, intimidation tactics, and mind games may have a more detrimental impact on our mental health than other forms of abuse. While physical and sexual abuse have been given much attention, verbal and emotional abuse have not typically been taken seriously. Now there is now a growing body of research that is finally exposing the volatile nature of verbal and emotional abuse. This workshop will be the intersection for understanding how narcissistic traits, behaviors, and people with full blown personality disorders use verbal and emotional abuse as a means of controlling others, while simultaneously reenacting their own developmental and acute trauma. 


  • The definition of verbal and emotional abuse, and a framework for understanding when it is occurring as a chronic problem within relationships. 
  • The impact of verbal and emotional abuse on victims as a form of chronic trauma and narcissistic injury.
  • How perpetrators use verbal and psychological manipulation to gain control and reenact early childhood abuse.
  • How narcissism and antisocial conduct are significant variables to chronic cycles of abuse within relationships and organizations. 
  • How victims of verbal and emotional abuse can heal and break free from their abusers.



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