Professional Wills: Why You Need One and How to Create It

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Professional Wills: Why You Need One and How to Create It

Presented by: Sandy Voit, LMHC

When: Thursday, March 6th, 2025 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Pacific Time

Where: Live on Zoom. You will receive your Zoom link/invitation the week of the workshop.

Continuing Education Credit Hours: 2 Law & Ethics CEs | $65.00


You have spent your entire professional career securing storing medical records and ensuring your clients’ confidentiality. What happens to these records when you retire, become disabled, or die?

Did you know that even if you die, your estate could be held responsible for malpractice complaints and legal actions brought about by your failure to anticipate your demise?

For psychologists, your Code of Ethics dictate that you are expected to “make reasonable efforts to plan for facilitating services in the event that psychological services are interrupted by factors such as the psychologist’s illness, death, unavailability, relocation or retirement…” The same ethical mandate applies to Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Social Workers.

This workshop provides information and examples of how you can prepare for such a situation – creating a Professional Will and identifying a Professional Executor to handle the legal and ethical details necessary to protect yourself and your practice. If something happens to you, you need a similarly licensed professional (not your spouse or child) to deal with your clients/patients, confidential records, office leases, obtaining releases, make referrals, etc. In addition, your clients/patients will likely need help in their grieving and necessary transition to another therapist.



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