Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Class
Please Note: This is a psychoeducational class open to all hosted by the ONE Center. Mental health professionals and naturopathic doctors can earn up to 26 CE Credits participating in this class. Dr. Butterfield teaches MBSR two times a year, hybrid style, so you can participate in whatever way is right for you: on Zoom or in person at The ONE Center for classes and the day retreat.
Presented by: Dr. Brenda Butterfield, EdD, MSW, LMHC
Please direct all questions about this workshop series to Dr. Butterfield at ournewexperiences@gmail.com.
When: This 8-week class meets every Monday from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm Pacific Time starting on Monday, February 3rd, 2025 through Monday, March 24th, 2025. The one-day retreat is 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Pacific Time on Saturday, March 8th, 2025.
Where: Live via Zoom and/or In-Person at the ONE Center (7400 Gallagher Cove Road NW, Olympia, WA 98502)
Continuing Education Credit Hours: Earn up to 26 CEs | Cost: Sliding Scale: Reduced fee for students and colleagues working in community mental health $375; Full fee $450; Supporting fee $550; add $75.00 if you want to earn up to 26 CEs
“I’m ready to be done worrying and feeling stressed out all the time.”
“I want more peace of mind.”
“I suffer from chronic pain and I want to learn how to manage it better.”
If any of these sound familiar, you may be ready for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This scientifically proven program, developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, has been shown to reduce stress, decrease chronic pain, and increase personal well-being. Many colleagues who have taken this class have shared it has significantly changed the way they provide care to others, by learning to first care for themselves to be of service to others. Many others who have taken this class say it has saved their life.
About the MBSR Course
In this 8-week MBSR class, you’ll learn about stress and how it shows up for you and why. Cultivating awareness is the first step to better health and well-being. Too many of us are living in automatic pilot mode, unaware of how stressed out we are. This does not serve us well but it’s a habit. Chronic stress undermines our body, mind and soul indicated by symptoms of compromised physical, mental, emotional and psychological health. For health care providers this impacts the ways we provide care to others. How we show up matters.
In MBSR you’ll practice techniques to develop skills and capacities based on the latest neuroscience to effectively manage and reduce stress. Research findings indicate when practiced regularly, skills developed in this course can literally rewire the brain resulting in improved health and overall well being.
Scientifically-proven benefits of MBSR include:
Lowered stress levels
Reduced chronic pain (back pain, headaches, hypertension, etc.)
Decreased worry, anxiety, and depression
Fewer sleep problems
Improved emotional regulation
Sharpened mental focus and enhanced attention
Improved immune system functioning
Help with life-threatening medical illnesses
More satisfying relationships
Better ability to cope with grief and loss
Support for recovery from substance abuse
Increased joy, resilience and compassion
In the MBSR course you will learn meditation practices to develop mindfulness, also referred to as present moment awareness. Through instruction and daily practice you will develop a capacity to notice when you’re stressed out and learn skills for how to take better care of yourself, minimizing the negative effect of stress in the moment and experiencing greater well-being.
The MBSR class offers instruction in:
mindfulness meditation (sitting, walking, and lying down)
mindfulness practices for daily life
somatic (body) awareness
mindful yoga
self-reflective inquiry
You’ll be supported throughout the program to develop your own mindfulness practice to sustain you long after this class ends.
MBSR Course Details
Sessions: This class consists of 8 class sessions, a 6-hour retreat and daily home practices. Instruction materials for the class are emailed or sent via US Post.
Tuition of the class is offered on a sliding fee scale based on what you can pay. Professionals can earn up to 26 Continuing Education Credits: Please add an additional $75 fee to your tuition if earning CE Credits (social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, some nurses, naturopathic doctors).
- Reduced fee for students and colleagues working in community mental health $375 + $75 CE credits = $450
- Full fee $450 + $75 CE credits = $525
- Supporting fee $550 + $75 = $625
Pay online using the Venmo app to send payment set up as bank to bank transfer to avoid credit card processing fees. Dr. Butterfield’s Venmo user name is Brenda-Butterfield (LINK TO VENMO). You can also send payment through PayPal (LINK TO PAYPAL).
When your online form and payment have been received, you will receive an email confirming your place in class. Please direct all questions about this workshop series to Dr. Butterfield at ournewexperiences@gmail.com.
Registration is now open for the Winter 2025 MBSR class.