🆕BRAND-NEW | Best Practices for Serving Gender-Diverse Adults, Adolescents, and Children🆕

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Brand-New Workshop and Brand-New Presenter!

Meets Criteria for Health Equity CEs and Cultural Competence CEs

Best Practices for Serving Gender-Diverse Adults, Adolescents, and Children

Presented by: Dreya Blume, LCSW

When: Thursday, July 25th, 2024 | 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Pacific Time

Where: Live on Zoom. You will receive your Zoom link/invitation the week of the workshop.

Continuing Education Credit Hours: 6 CEs (counts as either Health Equity CEs or Cultural Competence CEs) | $175.00

Whether they are transgender, non-binary, two-spirit, gender fluid, or agender, those in our gender-diverse communities need clinicians who understand the issues they are facing, as well as how to meet their needs best.

Dreya, a transgender woman, has been a gender therapist since 2004 and is thrilled to share her knowledge with you during this dynamic and engaging training. We will review gender-affirming terminology and explore the wide variety of identities within the gender-diverse community. You will learn how to provide gender-affirming care for clients of different ages (ranging from children to teens to adults), beginning with what to include on in-take forms and how to create a welcoming office atmosphere.

You will also become familiar with themes that typically arise in session, such as coming out to oneself, family, friends, and coworkers; navigating social and medical transition; managing stress, microaggressions, discrimination, and bias; and dealing with grief and loss. (both on the part of the client as well as family members); common mental health issues associated with gender diversity, such as depression, anxiety, suicidality, PTSD, and eating disorders; intersectionality; the gatekeeping dilemma; and more.

Dreya will also discuss how to write referral letters for clients (both adults and minors) seeking gender-affirming medical care. We will explore the criteria for “gender dysphoria,” the role of WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) guidelines in the letter-writing process, and how to conduct a “gender consultation” for the purposes of such a document.

Finally, we will examine client transference and clinician countertransference, as each can impact the therapeutic relationship. The good news is that by more deeply exploring the nature of gender diversity and the challenges faced by gender-nonconforming individuals, clinicians can make a meaningful difference in the lives of their clients and families.


• Identify a wide range of identities among people who are gender-nonconforming.
• Learn the micro and macro challenges that impact the mental health of gender-nonconforming individuals.
• Become familiar with how to best provide affirming care to gender-diverse individuals.
• Discuss how to conduct a gender consultation for the purpose of writing a referral letter for gender-affirming medical care.
• Understand the transition timeline of a person navigating their gender journey.
• Explore how to support the families of gender individuals best.
• Become familiar with local and national resources for gender-diverse individuals.




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