Essential-Self Care in Nature – Day 2
Presented by: Dr. Brenda Butterfield, EdD, MSW, LMHC
When: Friday, August 1st, 2025 | 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Pacific Time
Where: Live in person at the ONE Center (7400 Gallagher Cove Road NW, Olympia, WA 98502)
Lodging Options: If you are coming to the area from out of town, several lodging options at reduced rates for Cascadia attendees are available, including staying at the ONE Center. For all lodging accommodation options, please visit the ONE Center website here and email the ONE Center at
***Attendees of this workshop are invited to stay over at the ONE Center and attend our brand-new Mindfulness on Land and Water workshop taking place on Saturday, August 2nd For more information on this brand-new, 6 CE workshop, please visit this page for more information.
Continuing Education Credit Hours: 6 CEs | $190.00
All 2025 Dates for Essential-Self Care in Nature Day Two at the ONE Center:
- Friday, May 16, 2025: Click here for more info >>>
- Friday, June 27, 2025: Click here for more info >>>
- Friday, August 1, 2025: Click here for more info >>>
- Friday, October 17, 2025: Click here for more info >>>
This is a nature based workshop in the gardens, forest and by the water, walking slowly (less than 1 mile total) on uneven ground at times, rain or shine.
This workshop is an invitation for those who have previously participated in our Ethics of Simple Care in Nature workshop. Responding to the repeated requests for a “day two” of the workshop, we’ve created a new experience for you to check in, after being on the path of waking up to your health and wellbeing. In the first workshop, we learned about the research correlating our health and well-being to client outcomes and explored multiple codes of ethics. Remember our in-depth conversation under Singing Gazebo when we learned the ethical obligations to care for oneself and why it is essential. We explored many systemic, cultural and personal challenges undermining our ability and efforts to tend to our health and well-being.
Taking better care of oneself can be quite simple, but it is seldom easy. That’s because doing so is the path of mindful living, and living this way requires ongoing intention and attention to skill building and giving and receiving support, encouragement, and holding oneself accountable. Mindful living is the mission of The ONE Center. At ONE, we teach, encourage, and support the health and well-being of all by providing evidence-based care for body, mind, and soul. Our vision is to inspire the healing of oneself, others, our communities, and the earth. And having already been here, you know this about ONE. It’s an incredibly special nature-based retreat center created specifically for healthcare providers. We are here for you.
Essential-Self Care in Nature – Day 2 is an invitation to step off the busy treadmill of life to come home to ONE, check in with ONEself, and be in community with colleagues on a similar path of tending to ONE’s own health and well-being.
Like Ethics of Simple Self-Care in Nature, this workshop is retreat-style, nature-based, and experiential. We’ve created the day to feel familiar, like coming home, while simultaneously developing new insights, knowledge, and skills for new, simple ways to live more mindfully in daily life. Together we will complete the Professional Quality of Life Scale and the Professional Self-Care Assessment as part of our annual private check-in. If you kept your assessment measures from the Ethics of Simple Self-Care in Nature, bring them! If you didn’t, no worries. You can trust your inner guide to know where you’ve been and where you are now. Remember… “How are you, how do you know?”
We’ll spend time in community and on our own too as we sit spot on the land and by the water, to rest in awareness and write reflectively in response to writing prompts. We’ll practice skills with partners and gather for large group shares. We’ll explore new nature therapy & mindfulness practices and learn more about mindful self-compassion too. All practices are evidence-based ways to activate the parasympathetic nervous system anytime, anyplace. All can be shared with clients to support their health and well-being and inspire them to live mindfully too. We hope you come to ONE this Season of Care for a soft, gentle landing and a warm welcome.
In this workshop, you will:
- Assess your professional quality of life, including burnout level, secondary traumatic stress, and compassion satisfaction
- Assess your current overall health and well-being
- Assess your current level of self-care
- Identify lifestyle choices that are supporting or undermining your health and well-being
- Develop a realistic action plan for Mindful Living
- Explore experientially a variety of ways to practice simple self-care