🆕 BRAND-NEW! Sand Tray & Other Creative Interventions With Stuck Clients of All Ages 🆕

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Sand Tray & Other Creative Interventions With Stuck Clients of All Ages

Presented by: Kristie Baber, MSW, LICSW, CCTP

When: Thursday, December 5th, 2024 | 9 am – 12:00 pm Pacific Time

Where: Live via Zoom (you’ll receive the Zoom link via email the week of the workshop)

CEs: 3 | Cost: $95.00

Designed for stressed-out, overworked therapists at the end of their clinical rope and struggling with a lack of movement in their cases, the creative interventions you’ll learn in this short workshop really work! 

We’ve all been there – frustrated by our difficulty understanding the client struggling to communicate, feeling the shared strain with clients who attend sessions diligently yet don’t seem to be moving through their material, or perplexed by the family we’re struggling to get a read on. Whether we’re the client or the clinician, there isn’t much that feels worse week after week than stuck.

This realistic and brief class is designed for practicing therapists with clients of all ages to explore new options to break the logjam in session. The workshop will be conducted in a Zoom format. Teaching modalities will include clinical discussion, lectures with case examples, video illustrations, and individual exercises.

 Core Objectives:

  1. Practice calming strategies to hold our center and maintain equilibrium in our practices.
  2. Apply interventions using symbolic tokens to release deep-seated thoughts and hopes.
  3. Utilize sand trays to help clients who struggle to conceptualize or communicate verbally (no need to revamp your office – this can be done in a pared-down “travel” format).
  4. Explore projective drawings, including H-T-P, Person in the Rain, and Kinetic Family Drawings, to reveal client perspectives and express feeling states and for ongoing reassessment purposes. 


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