BRAND-NEW! Understanding Chronic Trauma Part 4: Effective Assessment for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress, Dissociative Disorders, and Personality Disorders

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A four-part series. You do not need to take all four workshops, but we encourage you to do so!

Understanding Chronic Trauma Part 4: Effective Assessment for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress, Dissociative Disorders, and Personality Disorders

Presented by: Michael Lillie LMFT, MHP

When: Friday, May 3rd, 2024 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific Time

Where: Live on Zoom. You will receive your Zoom link/invitation the week of the event.

CE Credit Hours: 3 CEs | $95.00

Session Four: Effective Assessment for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress, Dissociative Disorders, and Personality Disorders | Friday, May 3rd, 2024

Part Four: Effective Assessment for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress, Dissociative Disorders, and Personality Disorders:

Therapy clients who present with chronic traumatization offer unique challenges. They may enter therapy having been given multiple diagnoses and a history of treatment failure. Depending on how they present, they may receive diagnoses of Complex Post Traumatic Stress, Borderline Personality, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Bipolar, along with many others. Some have been in therapy for many years, even decades, without achieving symptom relief and stabilization. This scenario can be frustrating for both the client and the therapist, leading to shame for clients and burnout for the therapist. Why some clients get better more quickly, and others show little sign of healing from their wounds can be rooted in chronic trauma and how their personality is formed and organized. Chronically traumatized individuals may have experienced repeated developmental, relational, and acute types of disturbing and/or traumatic experiences. This type of client presentation will often have serious attachment injuries, along with higher levels and multiple types of dissociation, making traditional therapy modalities more difficult or impossible to administer. 

Module #4 will explore:

  1. What parts of self are and how we understand different aspects of the human personality.
  2. How to understand dissociative voices and internal conflict.
  3. How to assess client readiness for psychotherapy and avoid treatment failure.
  4. Learn about effective self-report measures and clinical interviewing that help formulate a comprehensive case conceptualization for treatment. 
  5. Understand effective boundary setting and structure of care.




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