Clarity through Enneagram Wisdom: An Integrative Approach for Therapists, Life Coaches, and Spiritual Directors

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Clarity through Enneagram Wisdom: An Integrative Approach for Therapists, Life Coaches, and Spiritual Directors

Presented by Dr. Jennifer Manlowe

Date: Saturday, December 7th, 2024 | 9am – 4:30pm Pacific Time

Live via Zoom (you’ll receive the link the week of the workshop)

Continuing Education Credit Hours: 6 CEs| $165.00

This day-long workshop gives helping professionals a crystal-clear window into the world of Enneagram personality profiling. After taking this seminar, you’ll be able to identify the nine Enneagram personality styles and understand how and when they show up in a client’s life. You’ll see how to use this integrative framework – a Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual approach – to assist clients on their path to clarity. You will gain techniques to access their strengths, work with their vulnerabilities, and fortify their capacity to create a meaningful life. Enneagram Wisdom focuses on the WHY of our behaviors, the root motivations behind most of what we do, and ways we might challenge ourselves to lean into greater skillfulness in all our relationships. Please join us. If you do, you will be given an eBook for helping professionals called Clarity through Enneagram Wisdom: An Integrative Approach for Therapists, Life Coaches, and Spiritual Directors.



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